Grow with Family

Growing with Family

At Refuge, we believe God moves in the context of people following him together. Throughout the scriptures, God seems to frequently call families, people groups, and communities to be the means by which he loves the world and shows his mercy. Likewise, we believe that God still moves through groups of people. We believe he meets us as we come together to follow him. Maybe that looks like people coming together to just spend time together. Maybe that looks like people coming together in groups to read scripture and pray. Maybe that looks like people coming together to serve the community. Regardless, as we come together, we believe God is present and can do powerful and unexpected things in our lives and hearts. It’s for this reason, we try to create as many spaces as we can for you to connect with others in community.

Grow WITH Family Through Groups

At Refuge, we believe in creating spaces for you to develop meaningful relationships. More than just “church friends,” we want you to develop real and meaningful friendships that help you understand God’s love and bring true value to your daily life. That’s exactly where our Community Groups come into play. More than just a Bible study, our community groups are built around an idea we call relational discipleship. Big words, but a simple idea. We want these to be spaces where you develop real friendships and relationships with others. Interested in joining a group, check out our group’s page.

Grow with Family Through Discipleship

We believe discipleship is more than a program, but a way of life. It’s the commitment to follow Jesus with our entire lives. As a result, our desire is for you to approach Jesus in a variety of different ways, all of which help you grow with spiritual family. Weather classes, mentor relationships, group serving opportunities, or we want you to grow with others through pursuing Jesus in a variety of different ways. The best way to stay up to date these opportunities is through our events page.

Growing with Family through Serving Family

One of the ways we grow with family is through serving each other. Sunday mornings are a great way to show our love for another and our commitment to serving both Jesus and each other. Whether helping set up our worship space, helping with our worship team, or helping shape our future in Refuge Kids, there are plenty of opportunities to serve our family on Sunday morning. If you’re interested in serving alongside others on a Sunday Team, contact Josh at

A Starting Place to Growth

We believe these are merely the starting place for growth. The deeper our connection with the God, the deeper our connection is with Spiritual Family, the more ways we learn to experience God in the context of community. More than community, we learn to experience God in the context of family. Interested in learning more about what it looks like to become a part of our spiritual family? Reach out to us.